All about topics
Innovation and technological progress
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning education, critical media literacy for digital citizenship and the role of technology in creating personalized learning experiences
- Global connectivity and competencies for employability and entrepreneurship
- Creativity and innovation in culture, business, society and science.
Sustainable and inclusive approaches
- The role of higher education in promoting sustainable development and addressing climate change
- Institutional Leadership Practices for Uncertain futures
- Active methodologies, STEAM and lifelong learning for an inclusive and sustainable society
One health
- Mental health and well-being for human flourishing
- Holistic approaches to health: human, animal and environmental interconnections
- Sport as a factor for development. Sport for life
Internationalization and communication
- Intercultural awareness and globalization
- Diversity management for a more inclusive and cohesive society
- Effective communication competencies, multilingualism
All about sessions
Types of Sessions/Proposals
The following type of proposals will be accepted for consideration at the conference, with the subsequent word limit.
- Roundtable Discussion on emerging research agendas (research projects dissemination) (300 words)
- Poster Presentation (200-300 words)
- Research Presentation (500 words)
- Panel Presentations (700 words) (3 research presentations minimum)
Modes of Sessions
STAR-UNESCO UVIGO 23 is a global conference with options for in-person or virtual sessions
7In-person sessions: morning (Spanish time), 9.00-16.00
Virtual sessions:
- Live stream: afternoon (Spanish time), 17.00-19.30
- Recorded sessions: available at all times.
- Recorded sessions: available at all times
Time presentation formats
Roundtable: 10-15 minutes
Poster presentation: To be defined
Research presentation: 10 minutes
Panel presentation: To be defined
Live-stream presentation: 10 minutes
Virtual recorded presentation: 10 minutes
Networking program
Mentoring meetings
International Research Networking
Academic publications exhibition
Proposals will be accepted in English, Galician and Spanish.
Panel sessions will be organized according to the different languages involved.
Publications opportunities in English, Galician and Spanish.
Publication opportunities
All accepted proposals will have the option of diverse publishing opportunities:
Conference Proceedings (abstracts)
Book chapters (SPI)
Journals (Scopus)