STAR Scholars Network is a grassroots movement of scholars working across borders. Each letter of our name describes the values and commitments of the people who join our network: scholars who care about research for social impact, transnationally networked leaders, academically-driven educators, and researchers with ethics and integrity.
Star Scholars Network is present in 115 countries, is formed by more than 15000 students and researchers and involves 2353 universities from all over the world.
Its main objectives are:
Human-to-Human Relationships
Building authentic human-to-human relationships among the people in the network, both online and in-person, to build trust and solidarity.
Alternative Futures
Grasping the deep challenges, injustices, and unsustainability of current systems in order to imagine alternative futures and create a more humane world.
Distributed Leadership
Empowering leaders of all kinds to drive the activities of the network, including organizing new initiatives, spreading our message, and shaping our vision.
Open Access
Pioneering open access resources that empower members to leverage the power of networks to build their skills, knowledge, and expertise.
Continuous Learning
Engaging in continuous learning with our members to understand the trends, resources, and needs of the entire network and their communities.
Local Languages
Communicating in 1000s of local languages to include and involve as many people as possible in building this community and shaping its future.
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The UNESCO Chair in Transformative Education: Science, Communication and Society at the University of Vigo, aims to address essential and strategic research and educational needs, as there is no other chair that approaches its objectives for higher education and society in such an integrated manner. Its greatest strength is its interdisciplinary nature, which facilitates synergies to develop knowledge from different perspectives. This perspective allows for a holistic vision that fosters new hybrid responses that can be adapted to the needs of this complex society and, at the same time, to the needs of each of the people who are part of it.
This UNESCO Chair, which is currently made up of more than 50 researchers and teachers from the University of Vigo, has as its main objective the generation of research results and their transfer to society. Likewise, it addresses the training of specialists in the context of transformative education and around UNESCO’s priorities and strategic axes on sustainable development and global citizenship. The thematic axes in which the team that makes up the Chair has already worked previously with relevant results are a) coexistence, democracy and conflict resolution; b) gender equity and equality; c) social and environmental sustainability; d) tangible and intangible heritage and e) well-being and health. It is linked to the culture of peace and transformative education; in this paradigm, people, together with their educators and the immediate social context, mainly the family and the school, become agents of change in the search for the world to which we aspire.
Specific objectives
● To improve the training of teaching and research staff to adapt their training to the needs and challenges of transformative education based on social and environmental sustainability, commitment to the culture of peace and coexistence, equality and respect for and promotion of tangible and intangible heritage.
● To favour educational innovation processes for the modernisation and transformation of the school from the perspective of UNESCO so that learning is focused on problem-solving and occurs through interactional dynamics.
● To promote the principles of dialogical learning: egalitarian dialogue, cultural intelligence, transformation, instrumental dimension, meaning-making, solidarity and equality of differences.
● To develop tools for integrating social action and education to create awareness that not only the educational but also the family and social context are places for intervention. It also promotes the creation and dissemination of tangible and intangible heritage, bringing contemporary culture closer to the social environment.
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